Co-authored article in International Labour Review with Prof Stephanie Barrientos, Manchester University and Dr Lara Bianchi, Nottingham University. I was delighted to hear that UN PRME nominated the paper in two of their “Best 10 – Lists 2022”. It made second place to the “Best Ten Works to Read on Continue Reading
Is the ILO’s governance fit for purpose in the 21st Century?
My latest article published May 2022 – SAGE Journal – Global Social Policy
King Institute Webinar on Covid-19 and Modern Slavery
2020 has been quite a year!
The coronavirus pandemic has dominated the year for the whole world in 2020. For those of us that have been fighting for social justice, it has exposed the things that were never quite as visible as they ought to have been. We saw in plain sight the widening gulf of Continue Reading
Why our public health services must be vigilant about how and where they buy medical equipment
Pakistan produces around 75% of the worlds high-end surgical instruments that are used in hospitals and health clinics around the world. Child labour and exploitative labour practices are used to produce these – operating in small, informal units at lower ends of the supply chain. I led a multi-stakeholder initiative Continue Reading
Three Ways to Ensure Safer Workplaces after Lockdown
Blog for the British Retail Consortium
Podcast: The Ethical Agenda
Interview with Safia Minney The Ethical Trade Agenda
Podcast: Remedy and Modern Slavery
I was interviewed for SlaveFreeToday with Tina Davis
Video: Ethical Consumption
Interview with Glasgow University